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The boy next door

Eric Lee Yong He
Lee Yong He
N410 Family

A 17years old guy whom live his life positively and meaningful.

A blog that full of passion and humor.
You can Experieced it yourself Here: D
"My life is with him, who is in me:D"(:

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Tag with your lovely name: DD

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Dirty clothes in wardrobe..
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's Upzzz!

I believed that I had made the right decision to continue blogging!
I had been encouraged by those readers whom tagged me after reading my posts!

How many of them? Three!
They are those readers whom really encouraged me and gave me reasons to come out with posts after posts!

I am excited to share something with you readers today!
It's a short story that I recently shared with some of my beloved cellgroup family members!
My question simply are:

What will happen if I place a basket of dirty clothes into the wardrobe, locked it and only open it after three days three nights?
The wardrobe will be stink! Because the smells spreaded in all over the wardrobe as it's locked.
What will happen if I place them into the wardrobe for three days three nights without locking it?
It will be stink still, however the smells will not be that strong as compared if I will to locked it up. Because the smells will be blowed off by the surrounding winds.

What is the conclusion? The conclusion simply means: we shouldn't be keeping any dirty clothes in the wardrobe at all.

Imaging that the "dirty clothes" which I referring to in the story are all the burdens, problems and sadness in life.
At the very first place, we shouldn't allow them and place them in our heart.

When we keep all our troubles and sadness to ourselves, we're like keeping all the "dirty clothes" in the wardrobe, locked them in our very own heart, and we will end up polluting our heart with all the "bad smells". All the worries and burdens.

However, when we being to "open" it and share, the "smells" wont be that strong anymore. Because we allow the burdens to be lighten by the people around us, the best is our cellgroup leader/s, allowing them to talk to us, advise us and clear away all the "dirty clothes" from our "wardrobe".

I remembered that Jasmine shared the following during the cellgroup: when we begin to share our joy, it will multiply by two, when we begin to share our sorrow, it will be divided by two!

Yeah this is the end of my story.
So do always remember, share, we're a family that Love! : D
And, this is also why I had changed my blog song as I would wanna share that meaningful song to all you readers! It was introduced by Joel during cellgroup offering!

Five loaves and two fishes.

Alright, stay tune!
Sign off, Yong he Lyh

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A new thought.
Monday, November 15, 2010

Hey guys!
I am back!

Having a moment of rest is to walk a longer distance in life~

So I hope that from now onwards I'll be more passionate and able to come out with more Awesome posts for readers like you!
Since this is the first post after ages, I shall come out with an "heavy taste" one!

The title of my post today is: Ways to handle Crisis in life~
What we should do & how should we react when we facing those "difficult/dead ends" in our life?
There's a few things that I feel we should do when we're going through all the trials and crisis and I'm gonna share some that I remembered!

1. Pray

There's a pastor shared before something similar as the following during a service: If that is something that we can handle, we need not worry, if that is something that we cant handle, it wont be any better even if we worry about it.. We should pray and lift them up to our Daddy God and allow Him to settle it, God will not let us go through things that we cant take it, and everything is under God's control.

Always remember, no matter what happened, always lift them up to our Daddy God, Because He's the creator of the heavens and earth and there's nothing too hard in this world for Him to make it happen. And, He love all of us, including You whom is reading this post! God really Loves you: D

2. Faith

We need to have faith in God no matter what we are going through in life. Even in time of crisis, we are not alone, because He'll always be there for us, watching over us and go through all the trials together with us. We are the one whom said that: i cant do it, it's too hard for me, die die die already, there's no miracle gonna happen, there's nothing much we can do..

Hey! This is what and how you thought and said, but it's not what God had told you!
God said that: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every words that proceed from the mouth of God", Put the kingdom of God first in our life, and all the things that we need will be added on to us", "When we ask we shall receives", No weapons that formed against God shall be prosper", this is the promises that He has promised us!

If you say that, you really trust & believe in God, but but but... that's really impossible to...
Do you think that there's something too big for God to handle? The answer is No.
Friends, change away the habit of saying "but" towards God, if you say that you know and believe that God is real, then you shall know and believe that the words of God is real, the bible is real, and most importantly, the promises are real. : D

Like what our dearest Pastor. Kong had shared: there's always seasons of faith in our life, think positive and remember that, after every season of winter, it'll be a season of summer!

and the last thing that I gonna share with you readers is:

3. Share

There's a purpose that God sent a leader and a cellgroup family into our life, and we must trust in the leader/s that God had blessed us with. They are always here to listen, lead and help us to become better person in life. If we don't trust in the leader/s that really love us, always there to care, be there for us and the one whom God had sent to lead us, who can we still place our trust in? Let's all remember to share with our CGL leader! : D

While I am sharing the above, its reminded me of a quote that I just read on twitter: "If you're not ready to live what you teach then don't try to teach. People don't just hear you,they watch you."

So, while I'm sharing this to you readera, I'll remind myself to practice it as well! : D

Alright this is the end of my post, STAY TUNE! : DD
Sign off, Yonghe Lyh

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yy's weekly #2
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hey Readers!
Welcome Reading YY'S WEEKLY #2!

Special item:

I promised you readers that I'll update about our church 21th Anni on my next coming post, so just wanna tell you all that
It's just Awesome to celebrate our birthday together as a family! : D

And I had learned that, "A family are those whom never pulled us down, but that will keep lifting us up! A family are those whom will stay closely with us Even when we're going through trials & tribulations": D

FIRST OF ALL, Where's a nice place to enjoy some delicious food while fellowship-ing?

"JI DE CHI(记得吃)"

Once I introduced this shop on my blog & recently I had went back there to try their dessert AGAIN! : DD
The taste of their dessert are still as nice as then I tasted except their "Mango Puree with Beancurd" ($3.50).

Well it was somehow disappointing that time as the taste of that dessert weren't that great that day:(
However, their "DURIAN SNOW" are still so sweet and nice as how we tasted previously! Marks Added back!! : DD

I will still advice you readers to experience them yourself if you're there shopping around at Bugis.
It’s a dessert shop at 8 Liang Seah Street #01-03, Singapore, somehow opposite of Bugis Junction: DD

Music of the week: Don Moen - He Never Sleeps

(From Yahoo)

Yeah, Our God is a God of Able.: D
I am still listening to Don Moen songs even it's already 1week after the FOP.
It's still so Amazing & Touching and at the same time it's still so Encouraging: DD

Like what Don Moen had share, that the bible tells us to cast all our cares on Him, because He cares for us. It's more than a promise, It's a command.

Because Today, God's working in a way that we cannot see, He never sleep, He never slumbers : DD

Don Moen - He Never Sleeps - Lyrics

When you've prayed every prayer that you know how to pray
Just remember the Lord will hear and the answer in on it's way
Our God is able
He is mighty
He is faithful
And He never sleeps He never slumbers
He never tires of hearing our prayer
When we are weak He becomes stronger
So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him
Do you feel that the Lord has forgotten our need
Just remember that God is always working in ways you cannot see
Our God is able
He is mighty He is faithful

Message of the week: "The more we confused & sad, the More we should stay closely to God".
God gave us choices, I wont leave Him, and I choose to stay closely with Him, because I know that, except Him, there's no one that can help me in times: D

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hey Readers!
Welcome Reading YY'S WEEKLY!

From today onwards, I'll be blogging my blog as if you're reading a "Magazine"!
I will be sharing lots of interesting places, music, things & etc with you guys!
And I will always let you guys know what I'm gonna update on my next up coming post!

But today, I'll leave everything aside till the next up up coming post!
Because I wanna share with you guys about the most happening thing in Singapore:


An Earth Shaking & Life Transforming events with Rev. Dr. Che Ahn ministering the Word of God and Amazing time of Praise & Worship session with Worship Leader Don Moen and Planetshakers!

After attended two days of FOP and knowing how God can use Young people to make a different in the world will really change our thoughts of what we can do in life!

Let's start to overcome our own individual Mount. Everest and press on to the purpose that God gave us! : DD

Let's Shine! With the talents that God blessed us! : DD

Music of the week: Don Moen - God Will Make A Way

(From Yahoo)

Listening to Don Moen songs will really help in making me dwell in the presence of God.
A song writer that gained success with a style of praise & worship song that hewed closely to the words of the Bible!

The lyrics of his songs are so true and always touched the hearts of the peoples, letting us know more about our beloved God! : D

God Will Make A Way - Lyrics

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength
For each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness
You lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today

(Next up coming post: Our very own City Harvest Church 21th Anniversary! Let's prepare to rise up to another level and dwell in the presence of God! : DD)

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Improve is mean to become better: )
Friday, July 16, 2010


Improve ourselves!
Because we can always Become Better! : DD

Today went to work as usual, was a china's group! : D
But what was so "special" from my previous camps was that my Manager & Admin Head was actually there in the seminar room while I was conducting the "Sea Live Talk"!

It was coincidentally that they came in to talk to the person in-charge of the group, and they ended stayed up to "enjoy" the talk for the "1st half"~ : X(WOAH=x)


While we are going to another place for our dinner, I actually heard some praises from the teachers for how I conducted the talk earlier on: D

Appreciated! And that's really what makes me move on! : D

BUT, during the dinner, my manager passerby there~ : x
While chatting, he commented that my talk was a bit too draggy and the children might lost their attention towards the talk, as there are still a numbers of slides way ahead, and gave us some advices on conducting camps! : D

Appreciated too! : DD

Praises will help us keeping on, But true comments will leads us go further! : DD
The worst is not when people commented you about how bad the thing was, the worst is when they don't even want to know it!

So, I decided to study more about the sea animals in the UWS by printing out their information so that I can make my guided tour become Even Better! : DD

Take action for the decision that you made!
Because your decision will still remained as a decision, if you're not going to take any actions! : D

I'll improve myself! Because I want, I should & I could improve myself and become Even Better"!: DD

(Oh ya, I gonna share with you guys a NEW STYLE of me going to blog my post from tomorrow onwards)! : DD

Stay Tune! : D

Tatas! : D

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Praise, thanks! :
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hey back! : DD

Well, what should I post today?


Yeah! Really thanks God for such a wonderful spiritual family that he had blessed me with! : D
The ones whom I go through thick & thin, tears & laughter with! : D

You know, every single one of us really play a part and made us a loving family!
From different backgrounds, character, school, age, style & talents But with the same DNA & Vision: "Loving people Fervently & Loving God wholeheartedly"! : D

Just wanna say that, without any single one of you, my life wont be this happening & fun!
You guys are simply the joy of my life, the angles that surrounded by my side! : DD

I love you guys!! : DD

Love is a decision: D

No one born to love you, but they Choose to Love you! : D
So, treasure those whom love you, and make a decision to love them like how they & how God love you! : DD

Lastly, I wanna say a big thanks to Winnie! : D
She's so sweet & generous enough to buy wist band for every single one of us in the connect group! : D

UNITY is Power! : DD

Thank you Winnie! : DD

Tatas! : DD

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The true one counts
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hey Dear Audiences!
BACK with a SMILE! : DD

Hahas recently somehow liked to edit edit edit Pictures!!
I think it weren't too bad for a newbie like me right? : D
I should upload the original one as well for comparing! : DD



Recently just had a reflection of myself, reviewing of what I had done so far for the previous days!
Hmm should be kinda busy, filled everyday of my life with things bah~ : D
Oh ya, this afternoon, I heard a story from FM 93.3 & I felt like sharing it with you all! : DD
I cant remember it clearly so this will be a edited version alright! : D

Okay Start! :)
"Title: Sometimes you think that the thing that you're doing is actually a small thing, but a small thing is actually a big thing".

Long time ago, there was a little boy named ****(forgotten=xx. Let's call him "Boy" okay! : D). During his school holidays, he went over to his grandfather house to spend his holidays over here.
His grandfather offered him a job by picking up the excrement of the cows that he owned.

As "Boy" need to pick up those excrement with bear hands, he often have his hands full of the dirty and smelly excrement, and there weren't any or much students willing to spend their holiday by picking up the excrement as I believed.

However, Boy continue to do it willingly. As time goes by, he collected a numbers of excrement at the end of the day.

FOCUS is the key! : D

Time flew, the second terms school holidays had started, Boy had went over to his grandfather house as usual. When his grandmother saw him, she said to him that: Grandfather asked you to prepare for a horse riding session for this holidays, as you had done really well during the previous holiday!

"He had been rewarded for the effort & hard work that he had put in".

When he grew up, he started working as an reporter in a magazine company with a salary of US$1 per week. He remembered what his grandfather taught him and focus, worked very hard for it.
Soon, his salary increased to US$2 per week.

Today, he's the Boss of one of the top magazine in US and leading a great life with the right attitude that he have.

Always focus on what you're doing, even when it's a small thing!
Because, when you focus on something and do it with your very best, it'll become a Big Thing!

Remember, be focus on one thing each time! : DD

Tatas! : DD

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