"LOLS! I had found some old old photos of myself~ ^^"
Well, today's post just gonna be a SHORT one!
Recently seem like I am kinda busy & having fun for the previous days! Either will I work, attend meetings, events or outings!~ : DHmm, recently was still doing alright, just sometimes will just met up some valley and storm in life: D Of course, as a normal human being, I will still feel tired, doubting & stress up sometimes!
But, I just gonna get myself on track again, because I don wanna missed out anything or stopped myself from keeping on!
God, I know that you're with me, therefore there's no need for me to worry, as you're always there for me!I trust in you, I need more of you! : D
When we climb, even we falls, we fall on a new ground
Monday, June 21, 2010
When we climb, sometimes we might falls, but even when we fall, remember that we're no longer remained at the start, we had moved a great distance far away from the start!
HEY Guys! I am back to blog: D
It's always a pleasure, a joy to hang out with my cell group & friends! Almost everyday, will get to hang out with them for outings or events. They filled my life with joy & excitement! : D And this is what I didn't used to have in the past!
Just came back from work at Sentosa this morning, was planned to blog up a new post yesterday mid night, however I am too tired to do it! So now, I shall blog! : D
Well, in life, we shouldn't look and regret for what we lose, what we don't have, instead, we should be glad and treasure what we have! : D
There's always times that we complaint about we don't have this & that, and often made ourselves so uncomfortable with it, but, didn't you know thatit's our pleasure and privilege to enjoy what we have?
It's really blessed to have this and that friends to be around with us, leaders to lead us, a family to be there for us, although sometimes we might felt that it's not good enough. We always enjoyed and have what others don't have, learn to treasure them before you lose the privilege to do it! : D
Well, recently I had been kept surfing the net at home, watched & searched more about what I am interested, HOSTING! : D
I used to have many dreams, but have no specific plans. I didn't thought of what should or what could I do to take a step forward towards my dream, just hoping that one day it'll happen, as I always thought that it's still far~
If what we do is just hoping and hoping, our dream will never come true.
Dream is a decision that you made, but "A decision is still a decision, Until you start taking actions". And never think that your dream is too big or too small, as what pastor had shared, "Big things always start from small", "Our God is so big that there's nothing too big for him to make it happen".
(Photo from Xin.msn.com)
"Faith without Hard Work is dead".
This is what written in the bible. For me, I feel that it's the key to succeed as well!
Faith, you need to have faith in GOD, PRAY to him about your dream, ask him whether that is what he want you to do, and when it's HIS will, we know that it'll be done!
Hard Work, the verb already tells us clearly, if we only have the faith, but not gonna do anything towards our goal, our faith is dead: D We need to work hard for our dreams, our desire: D
There's always so many people became and achieved what they desire; perform on the stage, became a singer, raise up and become leaders, Pastor, its takeFaith & Hard work! They gone through HARDSHIP.
For singer, they done a lots of practice to carry out a performance for the peoples, keep on improving themselves, their tone, voice level, smile, face expression, the feeling, even their dressing, hairstyle! As for we christian, we prayed a lot a lot to make our dream come true.
For the leaders, they prayed even more! They not only prayed, fasted, they even sacrifice their time, sleep to take care of the friends, members, CGs, and they have more responsibility to over see & take care of all of us.
Faith, Faith, Faith & Hard work, hard work & hard work!
Okay. Let me end my post with a brief talk about two of my favorite HOST & COMEDIES!
Let's welcome our Singapore Local King & Taiwan Local King Mark Lee(李国煌) & Jacky Wu(吳宗憲)!
(Photo through Google)
Mark Lee(李国煌), a local Chinese comedian and actor that you and I already very familiar with: D Mark lee started his careen by acting for Jack Neo in the variety show "搞笑行动", from acting as a dustbin, till various roles, and often appeared in news paper headline seeing people complainted him about his looks, pronunciation, "Ah Beng pattern" and many more.
Today, Mark lee had became one of the most popular and favorite comedian in Singapore & some other countries, from hosting, acting in television drama, till become the main actor of movie/s!
He had also won the "Super Red Star Award" 2010 and finally raised up to the altar!
(Photo through Yahoo)
Jacky Wu(吳宗憲), currently ranks one of the most popular and richest entertainers in Taiwan.
Born in 1962, he started out by taking cameo roles in variety shows. He is known for his quick witted humor and open-fire talks, which have attracted both followers and critics.
I loved to watch his various variety shows since I am young, start from "周日八点党", “我猜我猜我猜猜" and many more!
Although he's a comedian whose 27-year-long career now spans hosting, singing and acting, one of his greatest wishes is that he desired to win himself a Golden Bell Awards.
But 20years plus down the road, it might also because of his side news regarding his love life and etc, affected him from getting the awards.
Today, Jacky Wu is the host of a number of popular shows, including the long-running "GUESS," which finally won him an honor at last year's Golden Bell Awards.
Let's all watch the video! : D
Pray and Work hard for what we desire, don't ever think that your dream is too big! Use the talents that God gave you and shine for Him! : DD