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The boy next door

Eric Lee Yong He
Lee Yong He
N410 Family

A 17years old guy whom live his life positively and meaningful.

A blog that full of passion and humor.
You can Experieced it yourself Here: D
"My life is with him, who is in me:D"(:

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Tag with your lovely name: DD

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gone with the wind

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take a bow

Designer: electro-pop%
Icons: cablelines / leen
Post Icons: photobucket
Inspiration: denise
Quote: shawn
Image Host: tinypic / photobucket
Profile Description: that's not my name

Monday, April 19, 2010


Firstly, What's next?

Well, I was wondering what should I come out with for this post since that day after I posted my previous post!
However, I still cant get any inspiration until about an hour ago, 3am plus in the mid-night, when I came across the video about our family, N410 & E506!

Indeed! Thousands of memories just flood through my mind from no where: )
Leave with me many many stories that created by each and every single one of us!
Every little things that we went through together, every outing, events, movies, joys & tears that we had shared!


Let's have some self Q & A session!

1. What I had changed after I came across & stayed in this family?

My Life! Yeah, everything in my life had changed! : )

Just gonna share some of the things that had changed!

-My Mindset & Viewpoint- towards life & future;

Do I always think good about my future in the past?

No, full of worries, got dreams but no planning = nothing.
Everyday wasting the time of my life, doing something meaningless, through we knew is meaningless, but still do it.
Because I have no purpose in life.

Now I had found my purpose in life, is to Love God & Love Peoples!

HE gave me the courage to live my life, place trust in me, give peace and hope to me, and letting me know that, I am not alone, I am with HIM.

There was time when I really cried out to HIM, asking HIM why things will happened that way, I cant take it longer, and HE never failed to give me the strength and love that I need, and I had gone through all the difficulty that I felt I cant, to become who I am today!

A child of God who Love HIM & HIS People with all that I have, have faith in HIM & trust in HIM whole heartedly!!
AMEM!! : )

-My Friendship & family relationship;

I am poor in making good relationship with friends & family, by using the wrong methods, self-centered.

It is common that there will be backstabber & betrayer around me, and it will never be easy for me to trust someone, or make a true friendship with someone, or knowing the right methods to love someone.

Because I don have the trust & love in life, in peoples, in myself, how am I going to be loved or love someone?

Through this family, I know that even when I am facing valley and storm, difficulty, I am not alone!
God is there for me, my family is there for me, guiding me, helping me and loving me!

HE gave me a spiritual family that I can place my trust in, that I can turn to, talk to, even when I felt that I am really broke down, HE will always give me the strength and reason to go on, and go through every situations!

Because he's there for me, always & always!

And I trust HIM!

You have to trust in HIM first, have faith and trust in HIM!

Don let your world remains black & white, because it doesn't belong to you.
You belong to the Brighter & Colorful side!

2. What I had experienced after I stayed in this family?

Love, Love & LOVE!

I experienced many things from my family, and I loved them!

One of the reason that why I had changed so much in the areas of my thinking, relationships, personal life & spiritual life is simply through the Love of God & Family!

One of the thing that I learned from Chloe is that: We're one big family that happy together, Cry together!

That's why I always said that: we're not a family that will only be with you when you're celebrating, when you are happy.
But we will always be there for you to share all your burdens and sorrow, pain and tears together with you!

We're not a family that you need to put on a smile, pretend to be happy when you're with us.
We're a real family that go through everything together!

There's no need to hide and kept your sadness and tears to yourself, God is here for you and HE had blessed you with a family for you to cry with, to go through with!


It's something that I often heard from others testimonial but thought that it's impossible for my brother to get saved!

But with God, everything is possible!
My brother got saved and he had received HIM into his heart, believing & trusting him with his life!

Brother, thanks for everything that you had done for the relationship between us, the effort that you had made to repair our relationship, every step that you had gave in to me, I am not blind, I saw it!

Just want to say that, please forgive me for what I had done and hurt you in the past, I cant change anything about the past, but I can try to treat you better from now onwards.


Alright! That's the end of my post for today!

Family, thanks for being there for me at all time.
I knew God gave me this family with a purpose.
You guys helped me, taught me, forgive me & loved me with the love of God, and went through so many things with me, I just want to say: THANK YOU: )

And I wanna let you all know that, we are not just another CG or what, we are a family that take care of you, concerning you & Loving you at all time!
We're a family that you can turn to, anytime!

And most importantly, you must know that you're not here by chance, GOD really really really love you, that's why you're here, that's why we're here for you!
I love you family!

I will soon upload a video about our family love to finish this post!


(back to the top.)

New people, new adventure!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010




1. Re-open of School;
2. New Friends;
3. CCA Selection;
4. Milestone;

1. Re-open of School;


How's the 1st 2 days of school re-open?

WELL, it's interesting for me!

Gotta know more friends & peoples from my class~
And seem like it's just the second day of school and mostly everybody had already formed their own "clicks" in class!

Of course, I had found mine too!~ : D
A group of friends that formed by six of us!
Is all GUYS!
No worries, there are more to come!~ ^^
No pictures available yet but soon to be uploaded!~ : D

2. New Friends;


What's the very first things we do after we went in to the com lab!
Logged in to Facebook, Msn & ADD!~
From the front all the way to the back, everyone is just busy adding Adding & ADDING one another!
Some sort adding madness happened there!~

Oh ya, one of my classmate actually stayed at woodlands too!
Well we just felt that kinda familiar face for one another: D
And we became friends le: D
We found each other a company to school and back home in the future!~

Well, will soon post & update about my new adventure in school!~
STAY TUNE alright! ^^

3. CCA Selection;

What did I choose for my CCA in school?

I joine
d the" Guitar Club"! ^^
The time schedule is 3-5pm every Friday!
Which means that I need to
rush for Cell Group every Friday after my CCA!

I wonder how long would I stayed in the CCA!
Okay! Let's hope I will stay focus! And passionate! ^^

4. Milestone;

Well, everything seem nice & great for me!
I pray that everything will go on smoothly and HE will be guiding me along the way!
Yeah! : D Haa!



Praise the lord for those good friends, lecture & the good study environment that HE had blessed me!


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