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The boy next door

Eric Lee Yong He
Lee Yong He
N410 Family

A 17years old guy whom live his life positively and meaningful.

A blog that full of passion and humor.
You can Experieced it yourself Here: D
"My life is with him, who is in me:D"(:

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gone with the wind

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Inspiration: denise
Quote: shawn
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Foundation & Weapon
Sunday, March 28, 2010

I am back again to POST!

Well, "The words of God is the foundation Of Our Life, as well as the Weapon Of Our Life"!
Amen to that! : D

Yeah. Recently I am falling deep in love with music again: D
Keep feeling like writing songs and stuff~
And I think I am going to make one for E506: D
Think, and I'll try to do it! Yeah^^

Well, now I am really trying out what's life all about.
Those whom people called ups and downs, rise and fall, and for me, " Mould and Grow"!

I heard a great message from our dearest MJ during the OPM: "When promotion come, Test will come"!
Indeed! I am totally agreed with it~
Guess what?
There's still a great example for that!

When you are studying in primary six, before you can be promoted to secondary what you need to do?
Don tell me is to clear all the outstanding school fee alright~~
You'll need to take the "PSLE" test!
Yeah, you'll need to take a test before your promotion!

Sometimes in life we used and tend to have the following mindset & thinking.

We will keep longing for promotion, and we'll usually ask God: "Oh God, I want a promotion! Please give me a promotion~ Why I have not receive my promotions!!~"
And we'll seem like keep complaining to God that oh God why you don wanna give me a promotion~~

When God finally agreed with it and said: Okay! I shall give you a promotion^^ But, before that, style:italic;">you'll need to take this test first! ^^

"OHH God!! WHY?? Why do you allow this kind of things to happen to me??! Oh God help me!~ WHY???~~~"


, what you wanna God to do? ^^
You want a promotion, and God give you a promotion!
But you say you don wanna to take the test, then how to get the promotion? ^^

HEY, even primary school students need to take the "PSLE" test before they promoted to secondary right~ what's more about those promotions that we longing for?

Yeah. Accept the test, face it & solve it! You'll get the promotions that you desired for!


Alright~ That's all for my post today~


No worries peeps, I wont stop walking no matter how many time I felled and how big the valley & storm I faced~ For I am with him who is in me!

Through I am not sure about my future, But I will trust in the LORD with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding; in all my ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct my paths.

I wont lose heart, as the bible says that: "Men always ought to pray and not lose heart"!

The words of God is my weapon, And I'll use them to fight against anything that trying to hurt me.

Through the enemy come like a flood, but God will rise us up as a new generation of strong people to fight against all our enemy!

Nothing formed against God shall be prosper!
For if God is with you, what's even the world is against you!

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Moments of Peace
Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hey sorry for not posting regularly~
Here I come!


Jingjie & Me!~

Cool guys of E506( A few more you guys haven see^^)

What's This? ^^

Well, recently were all tight & busy days for me: )
Working, meeting & stuff~
However, I like to keep myself busy, rather than doing nothing~

And just wanna tell friends around, the weather are not that good recently so please take care of yourself!~
And get ready for the coming Easter Service!~



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The "Caterpillar"!
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fill Your Life With All Those Colorful Chips: D

I am back for Posting!

Well, today just feels like changing the way of blogging!
Instead of type them out in words, I perfected Pictures!

So, I will simply post some pictures and make it a story right!
Might be "LAME" or anything-,-! : D

"Thanks" to Alvin, Rovson & Rayner, as "They Called" themselves the Left Pillar, Right Pillar & the Center Pillar of our Cell Group, and they had given me a nick and let me "so called" became one of the "Pillar" in the cell group too!
And my nick is longer & stylist than them!~~ ^^
Hello~~ I am the "Cater-Pillar" Of our Cell Group! -,-

HEY! Don Laugh!
Let's read the story of this small little "Caterpillar"!~

Here We Go!

HEY, As you guys know me, I am a "Caterpillar"!

Through I'm small in size, But my World is Full Of Colors!

Do You Know..

When I am Facing "Puzzled Visions"~

I Choose To Fill Them With COLORS!

When I am Facing "DRY Season~"


Even though I will diffinitely go through valley & storm..

But There Will Always Be Someone There For Me!

I Wont Give Up... : D

Because I know at the end of the day

I will grow up and become a


Hey! Well, sometimes I wished that I will just like the "Caterpillar"!
But I knew i will never be~
However, I am willing to try to learn it attitude!
Because there's no other way else than to be positive like it if you wanna have a better life: D

Seriously, I am okay with the nick of the "Caterpillar": D
As what I often told them: "One day, this caterpillar will grow up, and become a Big & beautiful(In my case is handsome alright^^) Butterfly!!~ : D
I am Growing~~~
Keep on Growing!~ : DD

I have a favorite Quote that wanna share with you guys before I end this post:
"Decision Is Still A Decision, If You Will Never Start Taking Any Actions!!"

You know why?
Like what Rayner said: Cos "Words Are Cheap"

Easy say than do, but at least you try your best alright!

Hey, I know you can do it one, I have faith in you!
To those whom feels that this sentence applied to them, Yeah it's for you!
Jiayous! ^^


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Tuesday, March 16, 2010



Hey Guys!

How's your days this week?!
Good, No good, Same Same or Worst?

Well, I believe that our mindset simply take part of it.
I should put it this way, "the moment you change your thinking, you changed your mindset"!
When your mindset had changed, the way you look into things will be different.
Negative, worries, faithless, depressed, HEY, throw them away please!

You know, when you're feeling low, there might be people that will keep encourage you and cheering you up to make you feel happy.
However, you're the one whom decide whether you Can or not!

Well, there's somethings that you guys MUST have in life.
Let me introduce them to you, they are FAITH, POSITIVITY, COURAGE & CONFIDENT!

You will never reach the other end if you will to stand there and keep saying: "it's too far"!

First of all, FAITH, step out your first step with FAITH!

Wont you felt that you're Comfortable and Happy when you're doing things with Faith?
And when you're Comfortable and Happy, you'll able to get things done more easily!

For example, you're so great in designing and creating blog, and you had made a very nice and style blog for yourself.
If will to ask you to create a blog for your friend or CG, you will able to make it COOL, make it NICE!

You will feel so energetic while searching for the "skins", the tag box, the music and everything. You do it with Confident, you felt that it's easy with no pressure, and you can easily come out with a Nice Blog!

, how would you feel If will to ask you to participate on a Open Competition whereby needed you to do and to showcase your work in front of many contestant?

Let Us see the procedure & result of two young girl with difference mindset.

Youth A: "What? I cant! There are so many people whom are better than me, if I will to participate in the competition is just like for the sake of adding the numbers only. I wont stand a chance of winning that competition.
And what if my friends will to know that I had failed for that, I sure cant make it one!

Youth B: "Woah, it's a great chance for me to show case my work and to really know where I stand in designing & creating blog!
Through I am weren't very sure what the result will be, but I am just going to try my very best to achieve what I desire! At least its guarantee me that I will able to learn something from there as well as knowing people whom have the same interest as me, we can share our ideals of blog designing!

Well, One whom is Negative, full of worries & faithless, compared to another one whom is Positive, Confident, Faithful, who stand more chances of winning?

Get you mindset & thinking right and you already won half of the competition!

Hey, In life, there's a lots of competitions that you will participate in and wars for you to fight.
Get your Mindset right and you already won half of them!
You see it, you think about it, you believe in it & you will become it!

ALRIGHT, that's all!

By the way, I just want to thanks those whom have been keep visiting & tagging my blog. You guys had made a different in every single days of my life with your presence & tags here.
And that's one of the reasons that why my blog will stay alive and allow me to come out with more & more posts for you guys.

Appreciated, thanks! : D


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Friday, March 12, 2010

Hi peeps!

I believed that everyone of us had done something wrong before.
Including myself.
I's human nature that we intend to get people's forgiveness when we done something wrong, but how's our attitude towards people when they done something wrong?

Jack Neo, A normal human being.

Why I didn't introduce as so and so or who and who?
It's not because i don like him anymore, I loved him still, as one of my favorite idol, it's because he's really an human after all!

I believe most of us start to knew and notice him were through the drama "搞笑行动" & the movie "梁婆婆重出江湖".
He's a great director, great actor and someone whom contributed a lot in his career
and brought us a lot of great time while watching his shows & movies!

Ya you guys will say that: "Although he's a great director, great actor and so on, but doesn't mean that he can do such things right?
He should be more aware of what he speak and what he do as he's famous public character."

Well, is it mean that you will become Immortals once you become a famous public character? NO!
It's true that he should be more careful and aware of what he's doing, but he's still an human after all, people makes mistake.

I am not saying that well he shouldn't be blame for, I am saying that: he should be blame, but shouldn't we forgive him & give him a chance?

Every single things and words that we said and condemned him is a deep cut and hurts, not only for him, but his wife and family!

I understand that mostly people will say that: "Who ask him to do that kind of things, serve him right"!
Wont you cry & ask for forgiveness when you done somethings wrong against your loves one, friends and family?
将心比心, put ourselves in somebody Else's position, will you have the courage to step out and admit everything in front of your wife and mistress?

HEY GUYS...Even his wife had forgive him, what's more should we talk about?
He need you guys forgiveness!
You all loved him and like him because of those drama he acted, those movies he produced, not because of any other things right.
Does his movies quality changed after this incident? NO!

He's still a great director!: D
Humans do makes mistake!
Please be understanding.

Tatas! : D


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underwater world


Well, went for an interview at The Underwater World Singapore yesterday.
I will get to know the result later on by today.
Eventually, even if I am not been selected for that position, at least I had explored the underwater world for FREE!!
Ha! Look at the brighter side! However, I still hope & pray that I will be able to work there!

I have been selected as an Camp Facilitator at The Underwater World!
I will get to start my very first camp there next Monday or Tuesday! :)


Touching those "Ray" at the Ray Fun.

Garden Eels!

Dragon Moray Eel~

Magic T! The water wont leak out due to the water pressure!

You can place your hand inside the tank & feed them!


Hey! This is not Jelly fish alright!

Decoration Crab! Guess where is it? Not the Red one, the Brown one!

GIANT Spider Crab!

Giant Pacific Octopus!

Under tunnel! Where the campers will sleep at night & where you can feel like you're "in" the underwater world!


Come on! Feeding time!!~





They are all 30% smaller than their actual size!

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Song of the day
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey Peeps!

Here I am back!

Well, having kinda relaxing life nowadays~
Everyday will be able to have enough time to rest, food to eat, things to do & time for frenz!~

Well, seem like no life har?!
Its seem better than if I say: "Everyday I will only sleep, eat, drink and go out" right~~
Yeah Yeah. Think of the positive & brighter way mans!
I don wanna everyday saying: "bored die me","bored die me" & "bored die me"!!!

At least its make me feel better~ I am not "自己骗自己" wor~~ HAA!
Had a great rest until today afternoon~
Logged in to fb & msn as usual as what mostly teenager like us would do.

Well, cathy said she xing qing bu hao wanna come over awhile.
Thought of meeting another day instead, cos meeting up with frenz later on.
But in the end, we still meet up~

Feel like cooking today, so start with preparing the rice first~
Went to the supermarket nearby Marsiling station area and brought some ingredient back.
Met up her at the station.
Terence called her, which means three of us will be meeting up le~

"Wa I very xing fu hor just woke up then got things can eat liao"!
Terence said.
So you should know why we didn't wait for you to bath and stuff^^
情有可原 one^^!

Alright, today was the very first time I get to prepared the dinner together with my dad! ^^
He will get all the food ready as how he always do, well for me, I had done my very best! HA!
"有压力的" LOL!
But not bad hor at least I can cook the soup that he cooked yesterday! ^^^^

I found myself quite interested in watching how my dad prepared and get the food done. Often an "Q & A" section will be done for me if I had found him cooking!
He will correct me & teach me!~ : DD

Well, sometimes I think, this is what life all about~

Have some free time, give ourselves a break, put aside all the troubles & simply do somethings we liked: DD
Yeah! Well! Back back back to topic.
Today had an wonderful time of preparing the food!

My dad asked me to get them to eat the dinner, they were so polite and wanna my brother & dad to eat first~
Not bad ha! But at the end my dad still let us to have our dinner first: D
Why don't eat together? 你们不懂的~ "My table small mah"~~
LOLS! Hahas no la!~
We had our dinner in the living room while watching TV~

Went to center and played pool with Terence, followed by a round of billiard with Rovson. Just one round~
Home sweet Home~~

Well, today feel like posting up the lyrics of a song that wrote by me in the past, for everyone whom felt that they're very 烦恼 ! : DD
But the last sentence I have not yet complete~
Alright, that's all for today!]
Have a good night then!



每天清早 当我醒来的时候
让我知道 这世界

每天清早 看着温暖的太阳
有时的心情 有点乱
但是我还是知道 黑暗盖不掉亮光

哦噢噢 把烦恼全都忘掉
所有烦人的事情 总会跟我微笑
但是我总告 诉它们你听好

哦噢噢 把烦恼全都忘掉
所有烦人的事情 总想把我毁掉
但是笑一笑 没什么过不了
******* ***

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Sweetness after bitterness, bitterness covered Sweetness
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hey guys~ I am back~

Well let's start my blog from yesterday afternoon.

Gotta a call from Singee, wake up by her(Thanks~) at 1.55pm.
Actually planned to meet everyone 2pm at causeway point~

Luckily she called me!! Thanks~~
Went for a quick shower, wash up & get myself changed, took a walk to causeway point as usual & reached there by 2.20pm: DD
Fast right? I bathed properly okay! With soap one~
Excuse me, I need to explain~ Cos... Alright! Yeah!

As what everyone knew & expected, no one there on time!~~
Our Trends!~
That's why we will always meet half an hour earlier than the exact time we will be meeting.

Well, waited till everyone's reached, bus-ed to Tampines.
We went over to "T1"!
Eventually I called it wrongly while we were there.
I said: "Let's go to "T2"~~" -,-

WELL, Forgive me and "Forget" that alright!!: DD
Yeahh Yeahh!~

Today's service was Awesome!
We finally knew where our new building will be!

After that Exciting moment, we went down to Changi & fellowship together as a Big Family! : D E506 w N410 = Big Family!
A Dinner that gathered all(almost) of our family members~ Yeah!
Enjoyed their fun & laughter over there~ : D

WELL, since we're at changi, I should do something "SPECIAL"!
Of course I will not went over to look for the "Bap*k" definitely !
No worries! I don have "Special Hobby"!!~

I went to buy one of my favorite chocolate from "The Coaco Tree"(hope i didn't spelled it wrongly)!
The "Chocolate with Alcohol"!
Once I ate it before when Daryl & someone brought it and shared with us!
It's NICE, For me! : DD

Shared it with some of them too~
Well, Simply Loved It!
It's a treat for myself! Yeah!

I loved the taste of that chocolate.
It's bitter, it's sweet.
The taste of it, the taste of Life.
Sweetness after bitterness, bitterness covered Sweetness.

Nights guys~~


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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey Karmen, thanks for posting that video on your blog: D
Its inspired me a lot!
And its helped me to come out with this post!

Well, today I feel like talking about some things and people that we will faced in life.
And, two people!

Well, let me start my post with a question, what had made you sad?

"The People"! Their Words! They Looked Down on me! I am just Ugly! I am too Fat! I am Poor! I am not Good Enough! People just Don Trust Me! He/She don Love Me anymore! I am Useless!

There might be people whom will say all the above to people around you, and even talk about their family, their mistake, their past, just to hurt them.

Yes! It's Hurt!

For people whom kept thought that he or she's just not good enough, will never ever be succesful one day, whom felt that they are useless, failure.

Well, I would like to talk about the following person, Susan Boyle.
I guess most of us had knew and heard of her name before.
This is a video of her, you can simply continue with my post after watching it: D

An ordinary "old" lady, 47years old, staying in a collection of villages, stood up there on the stage and said that she's trying and hoping to be a professional singer, be someone whom like Elaine Paige!

Do you think it's possible? Or I should ask, will you believe that?
At least she impressed a lot of people! People get inspired by her!
She did it! But it's not simply, she took up a lot of courage!

Impressed? Or you would say that: Well Yonghe, you know, it's because she can sing! She have the talent of singing, but I cant!!

Hey friends, do you really think so?

Do you really think that the reason that many people will knew and inspired by her is just because that she have the talent of singing?

Hey, Did you get so inspired when you're listening those good music through your MP3?

Well, maybe you would say that, it's really because of her talent, she can sing!!

Well guys..
Let me introduced another person to you.
Someone whom able to inspired me always, and let me realized that, Through LIFE could be so HARD, yet there's a reason for us NOT TO GIVE UP!

Nick Vujicic's

Hey guys! Please watch this video before you continue with my post!

If you are tearing, hey, everything's alright, everything's gonna be fine! : DD

You tears because you had been inspiried by him, by his life's story.

Hey guys.. Compared to him, what a blessed and easy life that we have?
He have lesser than what we have born with

He have no arms and limbs. Did anywhere he suffered lesser than us?
Hey friends.. like what Nick Vujicic's had shared, He is not here to tell you that he had understand your pain, he don't know how its feel to hear people calling him "Fatty", he don't know how its feel to have a broken family, he don't know how its feel..

But, He know how its feel to have a broken heart, and He know how its feel to be alone.

Friends out there, when you're thinking and having the thoughts of giving up, please think about Nick Vujicic's, he's just a ordinary people, but he had found the one whom love him very much, the one whom love him just for whom he is, and the one whom love us just for who we are.
He had found his strength in Jesus Christ!

Hey guys, I am blessed to found the reason why I live, my strength, my everything.
There's time when I felt like giving up, there is time when I felt that I am just not good enough, there is time when i felt that, I am all alone, no peace in heart.

But I said: I don't want to depends on myself anymore, I don't want to depends on my own strength and do what I want, and become the person I want to be.
I want to depends on God, I want.
Let him change me to be the person he want me to be.

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deep inside the dry well
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sometimes, only when the water of the well become dry, then you can see what's inside.
What kind of source you're depending on everyday, what kind of water you drunk.

We simply having too many valuable treasure with us.
But one day, when we really looked into our treasure box, we might realize that, it's all fake, except one!

The gold will always being mixed with the mud, as the best one will always be there for you to hunt.

You wont want to keep a apple which looks juicy outsite, after you knew that it's rotten in the inside.

Yeah. Indeed.
You reap what you sow.
It's just the matter of time, that you need to wait before you can reap on what you had sowed.

Sometimes, when you feel like you had lost everything, eventually, you found something.

It's the matter of the one whom you found is a true friend, or God.

There's always someone for you to depends on.
I want to depends on God, because he will never fall, He's Faithful, Always!

It's not about the outwards appear, instead, is the inside.
That's what everyone and God is looking into.


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Monday, March 1, 2010

Through it's just a small things you had done, but you had changed my thinking.
Thanks girl.

Trust and believe, seek and dream, it doesn't matter, because you're here with me.

Appreciated.. : DD





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