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The boy next door

Eric Lee Yong He
Lee Yong He
N410 Family

A 17years old guy whom live his life positively and meaningful.

A blog that full of passion and humor.
You can Experieced it yourself Here: D
"My life is with him, who is in me:D"(:

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gone with the wind

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sand or stone, you decide
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sometimes, the greatest enemy in our life is ourselves!

It's simply because, you are the one whom decide whether you want to press on, or give up!
There might be people around you whom will discouraged you, say nasty things, hurt you and looked down on you.
There might also be pure pressure, stress, financial difficulty, family problems and things that will affect you physically & emotionally!

But here is a question for you: which human being in this earth does not need to face any one of them at all?

Well, as a human being, we will often like & love "big things".
Big houses, big car, big television, big businesses and stuff!
Eventually, we will always thought that our problem is "very big" too! "

Sometimes, the problems might be just as small as the sand, but we used to look at it as big as the stone!
Yes, you might be able to hear some positive and encouraging words from people around you, but, what's the point if you would Never Try?

Dream is still a dream, decision is still a decision, expectation is still a expectation, if you would never start taking any actions!

Things will not be done until you start the run!

It's not only believe, but it's time for you to get things done!: D


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Big dreams came from small thoughts

Hey! I am back to POST!!

Shall being my post from yesterday morning!
Woke up at the very early 8am as we were going for the CHCSA Appreciation with some of the members!
WE = some of the brothers & sistaz from N410 & E506: D

Went met up with Rovson, Alvin, Yonglong & Rayner at Boots & Shoes.
Alright, that's all!
The rest of them will be going down themselves~

Trained down to city hall and had our breakfast at the Mac there: D
Simply love the breakfast burger(forgotten its name) and the pan cake!
So shoick to have them with a cup or Coke/Milo~

Well, after that, we met up the rest of them while we were searching for the venue.
It was a great & wonderful time whereby we can spend time and have fun together there, and notice how far and how much had CHCSA contributed to the community: D

After the appreciation ended, we walked around the shopping mall and headed down to expo and fellowship with jasmine before the service starts: D

Ohh ya, yesterday was the very first time that we went for the service together as a new CG: D
Everything is still the same except when our pastor said: "Brothers! Please give brothers a hug & sisters give sisters a hug"!

This is what we do:
We was like hugged one time, two, three, four & Finished!~
Well, it's because we get used to and often needed us to take one round going here and there to hug all our brothers alright: D

Hahas! But it doesn't matter, we will have more brothers and sisters!
This is not a numbering game, instead, every true one counts!

Through now we only have a small group of us, but often, big dreams came from small & silly thoughts!
Mind you! We're not silly!
Instead, we're people whom are full of Faith and Courage!

Once again One Two Three WOOTS!!!

We shall not be fearful, instead, we should do all things with Faith, and make it all fruitful!

Alright tat's all~


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wrote on the sand, or carved on the stone.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hey guys!
I am back for post!

Received a call from an agency this morning:

"Hi, is it Mr. Lee?"

"Yeah. May I know who is that on the line?" (the actual conversation weren't so formal alright, and I was still sleeping-,-)

"Hi, this is Juan calling! We are looking for a part timer for an survey job and would like to know if you're interested?"

"YEAH!!"(Was totally awake when I heard that sentence)~

Its reminds me that 2weeks before the Chinese New Year I was busy cold calling numbers from the news paper recruitment pages and sending resume to several companies(might includes some agency as well-,-)for various positions.

No worries, they're not a cheating co that will sell me away or cheat my money~

Well, after a few minutes of "chit chat" with her on the phone, agreed to went down for an interview at Tiong Bahru.

The interview had went on smoothly, probably start working next week?~
Flexible hours and 2days per week needed for that~
I want more can~~~ more working hours = more money!!~~

However, I had decided to go back to work as an waiter for wedding dinner at Banquet, Sentosa hotel as well~

"Ask, and you shall receive!"

I pray that God will begins to open doors and doors for me! : D
I know, & I believe! : D

Thanks: DD

Went down for PM after that interview.
Wanted to took a bus back to Tiong Bahru Plaza and train down to River Walk, however, through I took the right number of bus there, but to the wrong directions-,-!

I was like... "No comments"~

Before I can blame myself for my carelessness and things, I will need to take a distance of walk to the opposite side bus stop and take another bus.

Well, just happened that, I had discovered that there is a bus for me to take to River Walk directly within 20minutes from that bus stop!
Thanks GOD! : DD

There is a Chinese saying that says: "塞翁失马 焉知非福", "Blessing or Bane".
Sometimes bad things may give to good results as well as good things may give to bad results!
Sometimes you thought that you had made an wrong decisions, however, things will just turn out another way which out of your expectation~

After PM, Bible Study.
a great lesson as well. learned new things.

Our Bible study teacher shared a story with us. I will not able to tell the story exactly the same as what our teacher share, however, it's something like the following:

"There were two good friends whom went out for an outing together.
They happened to went to somewhere that near a river.
Unfortunately, one of them accidentally pushed another guy into the river!
That guy immediately saved his friends up to the land.

That guy whom felled into the river was so grieve.
The first thing that he do after he was being saved by his friend was that, he went to find a wooden stick, and wrote something on the sand: "Today, My best friend pushed me into the river"!

However, the next thing that he do after that was that he went to find a big stone, and carved the following sentence on the stone: "Today, My Best Friend Had SAVED MY LIFE"!!!

The guy choose to wrote down that his best friend pushed him into the river on the sand is because, he knew that wad he wrote down on the sand will be blow away by the wind, but what he carved on the stone will be always there & remain longer.

Sometimes in life, we will just go the opposite way.
When people do somethings bad towards us, we will like to carved it on a stone.
But when people done a favor for us, we will just write it down on the sand, and let it blow away by the wind!

For example: "WAHH, I tell you, you know the who who who right, he "ps" me!
He made me waited for Him at the shopping center for 20minutes"-,-!!

"What's the point of remembering those small things that happened long ago"?

You should let it go!

Well, through it's just an example, but there will always similar things that happened around us!

It's time to learn, to write on the sand when people say or do things bad about us, and let those things be blow away by the wind!~

Will our life be better if we holding on to it?
The facts is NO!

That's all~

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string of the kite, shall not hold on too tight
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Your tongue can be your attacking weapon, as well as your defensive armor.
Nice words can be as sweet as the honey, while cruel words can be as sharp as the swore.
Your choice to choose, what you speak.

I wont speak those sweetest words that make you smile, as well as those cruel words that makes you cry. It's about balancing, those words, that came out from your mouth.

Well, I will just let go the string which I holding on for long, as how I did it for the kite today: )

There was once I told someone before,
When you are playing a kite, you want it to fly high, there will always be time for you to pull back the string, and let go it.
However, if the string of the kite had been cut off, it's time for you to learn to let go, not wait till your hand being cut by the string, or lose the chance of holding on to another.

This is the process of life. Learn to pull back, let go!
It's time to let go, the string of the old kite.

Well, today went out for picnic with my CG.
Went to Ah boon house at around 3pm in the afternoon and prepared lots of sandwiches!

-Egg sandwiches;
-Sardine sandwiches;
-Butter sandwiches;
-Butter & Ham sandwiches;

Great Food, Great Weather, Great Adventure with Great People simply means "Great Fun With Awesome People"! : )
Indeed, yeah!~~

Had an awesome time at Marina Barrage.
Top floor some more.
Fly Kite~

Knew two new friends as well: D
Had an great time hanging out with them, see you guys real soon!: D

Since I was young, I used to believe that it's impossible for me to play a kite and let it fly high on the sky. Seriously, don ask me, I don know why~
However, definitely not like what Rovson said: "Because I afraid of height"!~
Anyway, I did it!

"You cant hold on the string too tight, or else it wont able to fly high"!
"You cant let go all the string at one time, or else I shall say to you: "goodbye"!

I am referring to the kite alright!: D



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music, drowning
Sunday, February 21, 2010

A moment of Music, a moment of Peace.
Well, simply loves drowning in the music world~

Through the whole world is yelling nosily, I will still allow the music keep on playing.

The world is faking, people are lying, but the music will keep on playing, non stop!
I wont stop the music, I will play them on, till the battery's flared, till all the songs end.

People can be fake, they can pretend, they can hide, but music wont lie!
Music tells the story of life!

That's all


I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I'm cooler

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me

I'm gonna take a little time
A little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
I can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
And I wanna feel, I want to feel what love is
And I know, I know you can show me

Let's talk about love
I wanna know what love is, the love that you feel inside
I want you to show me, and I'm feeling so much love
I wanna feel what love is, no, you just cannot hide
I know you can show me, yeah


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precious moment
Friday, February 19, 2010

"Bad day passed slowed while Great day passed fast"!

I felt that the day can be longer for this CNY!
It's simply another memorable moment for me to be with my friends & cousins!

No matter how bad the past year is, no matter what situations we had gone through, but we celebrates this Chinese new year with Fun & Joy: D
Because we knew, all bad thing's over!
Even if it's not, It will! ~

The First Day of CNY, went to almost all of my relative house, as mostly they are all nearby, some walking distances!
Enjoyed chatting with them, hearing their advices, their comments, joke, & everything!
Mostly, I enjoyed eating and playing marjoh & cards game with them: D

Don get me wrong, I didn't encourage gambling!
Well, that's only the FIRST DAY!
Actually planned to meet Engenie, Rovson, Eric and some of them for a movie that night, however, Alvin & Ray went out of town, and came back at the "3rd Day"!
The 3rd Day of chinese new year! : D
So I end up stayed up at my cousin house until 5am in the morning!

That's why we didn't went for a movie at the 2nd night too!

I thought I will only get to celebrate the 2nd day of CNY with my cousins only, instead, I brought some frenz along: D
In the afternoon, went to "祥" house to bai nian, followed by "明" house!
"龙" came together as well~

They will simply offer you a lot of food to eat as if like it's free flow one like that!
Decided went down to my cousin house together, they took a cab down, while I had been drives down by my cousin.
Not enough seats that's why~

Reached Clementi, there were full of people~
There was like you wont able to find a seat or make a move here & there as you want!
Out of control~ But it's really great!
Well, one of my cousin asked me to go another aunt house to play marjoh!
So I consider awhile, hmm great ideal, agreed!
If not three of them were like nothing to do~

Took a cab down with my cousins, while another cousin of mine drives the three of them down.
Well, the space & environment is more comfortable!

Asked "祥" to play together with me, no choice, my cousins are just too friendly~
Keep asking us to play, if not then we'll like bored~

Everything ended around 4plus am, cab home with them!

The next day, went to Alvin & Ray house bai nian!
Followed by Yuanting house!

It's great to have steamboat at her house, some of those sisters were there too: D
Had a lot of fun eating and playing at Yuanting house~
Hope you guys had fun that day! : D

Well, the rest of the days, visit or either going here & there!

End post!!


I always believe, that tomorrow will be a brighter day, no matter the sky of mine today is full of Darkness or Light, as He's always by my side.


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new belonging
Saturday, February 13, 2010



Well, today will just post a short & simple post!
Wish you guys spend your day well tomorrow, and gotta a lots of ang bao! : D

Finally our cell group had multiplied! Yeah!

N410, I wanna say a big THANK YOU to every single one of you! You guys simply make a big different and positive impact in my life!
You guys had given me the care, love and concern of being a part of the family!

You guys really gave every single one of us a lots of great memories!
We will always stay as one big family! N410 & E506!! : D

E506, I believe that we will unite and stay strong together as a family, we will grow bigger and grow stronger! We will stay and make the cell group grow in FAITH!

Well, yesterday the chalet was just amazing!
Everyone simply enjoyed themselves so much!
There were so much fun, joy, laughter, and tears!
After multiplied, we continue having fun in the chalet: D

All the sistaz were like kept taking photos here and there, and we spend our night chatting with one another!
Everything ended at around 11am in the morning.

Came back from chalet and reached home around 12am.
Mom came back and cooked.
Had my lunch with her!
A great one! : D

Alright! That's all!
Everyone, hope you guys will enjoy yourself for the next coming few days and and eat many many nice food and receive many many Ang Bao!
And, may everyone will prosper in things you do, be healthy and have strong relationship with one another! : D



CHLOE, This is a song that I wrote the lyrics specially for you!
I changed the lyrics of the song "朋友", to express our love to you!

谢谢你 一路来 带着我 们成长
还熬夜 到天亮 准备那爱心早餐
为了我 们的家 虽辛苦 却不讲
只希望 能给我 温馨的家

N410一起走 喜怒哀乐共度过
一句话 一辈子 一生情 一辈久
前方的路还要走 你的身旁还有我
不要伤 不要痛 因为你 还有我!~

N410一起走 喜怒哀乐共度过
一句话 一辈子 一生情 一辈久
前方的路还要走 你的身旁还有我
不要伤 不要痛 因为你 还有我!~

不要伤 不要痛 因为你 还有我~~


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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Now then realized how fake things can make a person feels.
It can make people feel so sick and tired of seeing and pretending it, so helpless and insecure of knowing it, well, just hated it.

When you thinking friendship is real, concern is real, importance is real and yet you didn't feel it that way in heart, that's all fake!
Sometimes it's being too foolish to have a thought for others, and neglect about your own feeling at all time.

What is the worst stage of being emotional?
For me, It's when Alcohol wasn't anymore a choice that you wish you could turn to, best friend wasn't the one you wish you could speak to, and your own room wasn't the place you wish you could hide at.

I cant find myself even in the middle of the brightness, cant figure out about what am I doing all this while, no true or false, no right or wrong, simply because I'm lost!

Sometimes, I just hated myself, why should I bother and think so much, worrying and looking into thing so much, everything and wonder just a little bit lesser, will really make my life easier.

I have no directions ahead, no solutions left.

当我走到累的时候,只想停下脚步歇息, 不想在受了重伤之后,才来说后悔莫及...
我已习惯失去自信,失去信心,失去相信的勇气,失去寻找的耐力, 失去渴望的能力..


Emptiness Enlarger, Emotional Endures.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hey guys!

I am BACK! : D

How's your last Sunday?
Cant really remember? Never mind never mind, Forget it!
Let's allow those good days become memories and let those bad day passed!

Well, browsing through sites, blog & friends face book profiles now, not yet feel like going to bed!
Feeling somehow excited now, as the chalet for our Cell Group multiplication & Chinese New Year is coming!
Lots and lots "Ang Bao" and "Bak Kuaw" is coming on "their" way!~

How soon is it?
3 more days to the chalet, 4 more days to NY eve & 5more days to CHINESE NEW YEAR!

Some people might think: "Well, it's just another Chinese New Year, what's good to being excited about"?

Indeed. It's just another Chinese New Year, but still, it's another New Year!:D

"But but, still the same what, it's still the same not fun, boring & meaningless to me!><"

Well, It'll be the same so fun, enjoying & exciting, because, you already know me!! : D

Just wanna tell people out there!
Never will you have a year the same for you as how you feel for the past last year!
Because things will either become worst, or Better!

Well! Things Will Surely Become Better! Just change the way you Think!!
Most of the time, it's our thinking that decides and affects our mood!

Sometimes, the following questions will often pop up to me:

"Why I cant have enough money to shop", "why there's no concern at home", "why must they treat me this way", why they simply don understand me" & why things turn out this way"??

Well well well, "If I always allow those things to question me, and spoil my day, I will eventually feel and became that way!"
Because, "You're what you think & believe": D

As such, I will always figure out what the problem is.
Example: If I can spend lesser on having good food most of the time and unnecessary spending like playing "Zua Zua", learn to stay clam and don buy things immediately as I want, I will have extra money left!

However, I did anyhow spend again yesterday(Sunday I mean)! -,-

Yesterday, went met up with Mingwei, Rovson, Rayner, Eric, Yonglong and Alvin at Causeway Point Mrt station.
We decided to go for a shopping yesterday for our new year clothing.
Trained down to Orchard and went to our first "station "ION Orchard", while we waiting for Bryan & Daryl to reach.
There are a lots of things to be shop for, however, we just done "window shopping" over there! Over budget can-,-

After Byran & Daryl reached, we went to Takashimaya, Far East, Hireen, Bugis Street, Bugis Junction & Illuma!
Long ago since we went out shopping and went so many places in a day!
Many of us had shopped something back with us!
Saw some of the sistaz at Bugis street.
There were shopping there too! HII: D

After that, we went shopping again around.
Bryan brought lots of things yesterday.
I cant remember clearly what he brought for his CNY dressing!
Few paper bags of items!: D
The rest of us only brought some~
For me, a pair of shoes & plain v-cut shirt! : D

Met up the sistaz again at the top floor of Illuma.
There were in the Arcade.

I mean it's the time to show you why I said I anyhow spend money again><
Because, I went to play "Zua Zua" again : DD
What's "Zua Zua"?
Ohh~ That's a machine that able to earn money easily from people like me who like to put money in it and catch those bear bear and gain the prizes!

Actually the purpose of playing those machine is not for the sake of getting the prizes, the bears!
Eventually, I just feel it's fun and enjoying it when I finally get the prizes!
It's kinda a feeling of "Achievement"!
Lols! But often felt bit regret after it! Because it's an "investment" with "High Risk" and"Low Rewards"! -,-
So, spend your money wisely, don like me!-,-

Well, that's all for my post!

"Never take a "Photo" of others or yourself, Let the "video" keep rolling!"

Water always fell downwards while people climbing upwards!
Don think that you will always be only what you are now, there's a long way ahead!
And the way will surely become a better way, as after every single storm and valley will be an mountain top!

Cheers mans!
Have some great days ahead!



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charge it, before its flat
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Every week, every day, there will always things and people that will make you feel disappointed, lost, hurts, and eventually make you feel that you're just too lousy.

In life, there will always time when we over used our hand phone after using it for a long period of time, and the phone will start popping out signals to alert you that the phone had became low-batt , eventually, at the end of the day, the phone battery will went flat!

What could we do to let the phone be "alive" again?
The solution is , charged it!

But, what about our life?
There will be time when we felt that our life is just like that hand phone, was going low-batt, and soon became "flat"!
We cant take a charger and charge ourselves with energy!

Well, I felt that, Cell Group is really that charger for my life!

There will always time when I felt that my life is drying, restless, and being too tired to run on anymore, too tired to think of anything anymore!
However, when I went for the Cell Group meeting, I will always felt that I have been "reborn" again, being alive, by the power of God!

No matter how low and moody I am feeling, when the moment I met up with my Cell Group member, I will feel peace in heart.
I will want to talk to them, reach out to them, and fellowship with them.
I believe, it's simply because of, the love of God!

Today, I went out and met up with parts of my Cell Group member outside Boots & Shoes
at around 6.40pm.
I felt that I am too tired to talk, or to entertain anyone.
Even when everyone reached there, till the time we waited and board up a bus, I felt emptiness deep inside my heart.

But as we board up the bus, and soon I started talked to Jingjie, out of sudden, I really felt that there's peace just came into my heart, from nowhere!
I chatted with him along the way, with a lots of things, didn't think of anythings else, just enjoy chatting with him.


We alighted at the bus stop beside the "IKEA", and changed to bus 34.
After a few bus stops, reached the bus stop opposite Jasmine house.
Walked over.
When we reached Jasmine house, they were only Rov, Daryl, Rayner, Eastella and Jasmine!
So early ah Eastella: D

After slacked awhile at jasmine house, I went to the Ntuc and the food court besides Jasmine house with Alvin and Yonglong.
Brought western food chicken chop w fries & rice for dinner.

Took around 15mins there and went back to Jasmine house.
More people had arrived.
Finished my food there, played, and had fun!

Oh Eugenie went for a new hair cut!
It's style!
Seriously I felt that her new hair cut is really very nice and suits her, and everybody says that too! ^^

Well, after all, finally, Cell Group started!
Enjoyed ourselves while playing and watching the CG game called "周日五点党",leaded by Jasmine!
It's a game similar like what you guys watched in "周日八点党", whereby we will paste a paper with a "key word" written on it, and without you knowing, the rest of the people whom participate in the game will try to "sabo" you to say that word, and by doing it, you will be caught and beaten up by the two Gorilla, Yonglong & Alvin!

I guess they enjoyed beating people than any part of the game yesterday!: D

After that, PRAISE & WORSHIP!
The Praise was leaded by Boon Teck(Cool~) and having Ray and Rovson as the guitarist! Nice one bros! : D Nice one Ray! : D

Worship Time~
Leaded by Jasmine: D
The presence of God is there: D
We sang, and worship our God, and had a great time there.

Preaching time!
Chloe shared the message of "What does God look for in you" with us.
Never the least, the message talk about Faith too!

Through out the time of the message, I had been thinking and having lots of reflection of myself.
I listened to what Chloe shared with us, and look into the message, have a deep thought of it, and, I realized that there's a change in my mind after I listened to the preaching.
Having a time of worship after the message, God moved in us during the worship.

After Cell Group ended, slacked till 10pm at Jasmine house, we bus-ed back to woodlands.
Alighted at the bus stop opposite Marsiling station, went to the coffee shop and fellowship together with some of the brothers and sisters.
Eugenie left there about 11.30pm. Bye~

The rest of us slacked and fellowship at the coffee shop until 1am plus.
We had a great conversation there!
Joke, laugh, and being crazy all time!
Send Mingwei, Mingzhen and Angela home after that.
Home sweet Home!~ : D

Sometimes, it just take Faith, and your believe system, and a prayer to make things work!
There will always be up and down in life, as what i said, I wont give up, through I failed, and felled, but I will hold on to the little faith that remained, and multiply it, and continue the race with God!

Jinghui, thanks for being there for me always: D
Reader, thanks for your word and being there! Thanks: D.


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Drowsing, facing?
Friday, February 5, 2010

The most painful thing wasn't that you didn't know anything, instead, you see everything too clearly.

Its hurts, but at least you know.
However, sometimes you wished that you will never know.

Finally understand that, why drunk, why music, why emo?
Once, I thought I was strong, kept trying to be, who knows, at the end of the day, I realized that, I am the weakest one.

I cant pretend anymore, didn't ever give up, I just need a break, from all those restless day, stressful mind, messy world, unforgiven sins, and, those hopes that I believe.

After so many years and things passed, I have to admit that, I've been defeated, by the world, the facts, the people, and myself!

Finally really understand what's the feeling of drying, falling, losing & bleeding.
The wound wasn't been seen, but its hurts, deep in the heart!

Once I thought it was useless to being emo, until now, I knew it's true.
However, its take courage to allow yourself to face your real emotions.
I never encourage anyone to being emotional, but, there will always time, when you felt that, you are all alone!

Drowsing in all those emotional music, give me a scene of belonging.
I've seen many people in my mind, whereby those who have strong faith in their life.
But I realized that, I cant see myself!
Where am I?

I am lost, long ago, and became someone who I didn't know..
Being positive, negative, cheerful, emo, believe in faith, or dead? -,-

I admit that I've been defeated..
What I need is just a moment of silent..

Hey, you know what? I don even have the guts to post this out when I had finished writing it..
Poor me.

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the bs lesson, the journey!
Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am back!

The time now is currently 6.30am in the morning.
Just woke up around 5am~
Was feeling real tired. However, wasn't want to fall back sleep again!
Probably dislike the feeling of wanting to fall back asleep but yet cant make it-,-!

Well, yesterday went for my very first mass class bible study lesson.

I went out from my house around 4pm yesterday noon.
Took a train from Marsiling station towards Jurong side, changed to another train and alighted at Bugis~

Actually I planned to go for an interview for job with "Recruit Express" at orchard one.
However, I realized that they would eventually deduce an amount of money from my salary as their in the position of an "agent"!
They are those "agents" whom finding staffs & job for people~
Canceled that. Wanted to inform them but the hot line wasn't available at that moment!

Called Eric and asked where they are? : Bugis street
Walked there and start hunting for them.
Called him again, he told me at Bugis Junction-,-
Well, stopped by in front of a food stall.
Brought my favorite "梅子炸番薯" with drink~

Went to the Junction and look for them.
After walking a big round in the "MUJI", finally found them inside the toilet!
Nice one!

After that, went to Mos Burger together and waited them to finish their dinner.
Met up with Eugenie after that.
Bus-ed to "River Walk"!
Oh we saw Jeffery and his CG member: D
Well, went in to get the book for BS first.

After half an hour, Ray & Alvin arrived, followed by the rest of them.
I was in the same class with Xinyi & Alicia!
Today the lesson was kinda short and simple.
Of course, only CL mah: D

BS ended. At around 8.30pm.
Was the first class finished the lesson yesterday.
Waited for the rest of them outside the room with Xinyi & Alicia.
Came out one by one~
Let's go!

Went to LJS for dinner.
As usual, "Combo 1"~

After that, trained back to woodlands.
Went to rest at around 11.30pm.
Woke up by Terence again~
Well, duration of my sleeping time: 5hours!
"Thanks" ah.
Kkays! That's all today!

Good Morning guys!
Have a great day ahead!


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Restless day~
Wednesday, February 3, 2010


After a day of long rest, I shall back to my blog and POST!

Currently surfing the net for around two hours already.
Now going to have a shower soon, and going out to meet friend.

Well, shall start my post from the day before yesterday: D
I was sleeping for the whole day.
That was Monday~
Woke up and used computer and logged on to Face Book & Msn as usual.
Was chatting with friends and browsing friends Face book profile.

Chatted with Terence on Msn.
He said he's hungry, as he just woke up at around 12pm.
What a boring life does both of us had~
Always played until the next morning and sleep until the mid-night.
So, I must get a job quick! Trying Hard~

Back to topic!
Asked Terence to come over to 136 coffee shop at around 2-3.
Of course I asked him to come over, if not I will be the one who going over: D
Hey, I am always the one who went over to find him instead of having him coming over alright~
Waited him at the top of the long staircase beside my secondary school.
Finally, he's there!

Chatting along the way, went to 136 coffee shop and brought "Ban Mian" as his supper.
We da bao the food up to my house to eat instead of eating there.
Is better to eat at home, caused its near my house~

Played computer, watched drama, TV programmers(for me only), browsing through the net and stuff~
Was feeling hungry around 4-5am~
No choice, no cooked food left at home, so I cook again: D
I have no ideal how many time I had went in to cook that night~
Drunk a lots of Coke for that night, have some vodka instead.
Just a little, well, taste like cough syrup! ~

"Ton" until the next morning! Dad went out for work~
Somehow not really tired.
Terence went to sleep around 9somethings.
Mom back home at around 10somethings.
Brought some stuff back, and some Carlsberg.
Not interested~ : D Because I saw Martell! And I still have my "BREEZER" : D

Mom went out for work again at around 11am.
Went out together with her and help her brought somethings back.
After that, I went down to the market and brought some ingredients home to cook for lunch & dinner.
Brought "THE STRAITS TIMES" back home and turned to the recruitment page~
Called and send resume to them.
Well, no results after all-,-

Get all the food ready and went to sleep around 2.30pm~
Was msg-ing with friends half way.
Sorry for not replying, I was at "lala land"! ><

Waked up by Terence at around 7pm at night.
He's still there.
Ate dinner at my house, I cooked that afternoon.
I knew I will be very tired when I wake up, that's why I decided to cook first before I sleep: D So I don need to went out to buy dinner again.
Terence went to play audition, and chatted with her.
Watched the drama "Xiang Wo Ni De Shou" and a programmer about gambling one.
Have a cup of Martell, and Terence went home around 11pm.
Took a shower~ SLEEP.

Until now, woke up, and done with job hunting, now going to take a shower and go out!

Today is my first CL BS at River Walk!
I am sure I will enjoy it!
Enjoy yourself too~


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daily life!
Monday, February 1, 2010


I am back to post again.

Well, as usual, I 'll start my post with things happened yesterday.

Took a shower at around 11.15am yesterday afternoon.
Get changed.
Walked to Causeway Point as usual & took a train to Marsiling station and met up with Rov, Ray, & Alvin.

We were chatting and cracking lots of joke and stuff along the way to service: D
Half way through, Eugenie board up the train at (forgot which station liao) and met up with us: D
When we soon reaching Jurong Station, Engenie discovered "something"!
Which shouldn't be mention here: D Opps~

Alighted at Pioneer station.
Went to the coffee shop opposite there and have some drinks.
One of the staff(auntie)there was so "cute"!

Ray & Eugenie ordered some drinks from one of the staff there.
When she got the drinks and came to our table to serve us, Eugenie and Ray wanted to pay for the drinks at the same time.
Well, Eugenie took out the money first, and was just right in front that auntie.
Then Ray asked the auntie don take the money from Engenie while he's taking out money from his wallet.

Guess how's the auntie react?
The auntie stretched out her hand to our table and purposely ignore Engenie and turn her head and wonder around at the coffee shop till Ray took out the money and passed to her: D
Hahas: D If you was there you will then know what's the "笑点" behind, but you wasn't there: D
So you should know why if you can't find this stuff funny: D

Bryan arrived in a few minutes after that: D
We bused to the Church.
Attended the service, was a special one: D
Get to learn how to dance with the praise song!
Ohh. We realized that Eugenie Didn't dance: D

Well, she reminds me of a Taiwan female singer, "Zhang Yun Jin"~ : D
Hahas: D
Why? It's simply because that the singer is also kinda of "酷酷路线" one!
But when she was asked to dance something very girlish, she was like "OMGGG" : D

Here is a video of "Zhang Yun Jin" attending a variety programmer for people who not yet heard her name.

Well, back back back, to my topic!: D
After the service ended, went to KFC and had lunch together: D
Was quite fun at the KFC for me, "Thanks" to Ray & Alvin: D
Went to look for another frenz at Jurong Point after that.
Said bye to them at Boon Lay station.

Well, it was long ago since I met up with April: D
Enjoyed the moment chatting with her while she's working(she is so~~ free can), as she wasn't look like working at all: D
There was like almost no customers needed to attend to(less or none), can walk here and there, chatting along with other staffs, and even go to...; D

Lols! April, you know can already: D
We shall kept it to us, and "Ahmo".
Otherwise some people might felt quite discouraging and disappointing compared with their job: D

Stayed at Jurong Point until around 6.30pm.
Send April back to her working place.

Brought a bottle of "BREEZER" and "VODKA"(275ml) from NTUC, and a Moisturising Gel(GARNIER MEN)from Watson, as I thought that it's for washing face purpose!
Didn't read the details, just anyhow grab it, when April said: "Ohh it's seem nice to use: D"
Don ask if I am eligible to buy Alcohol drinks?
I am gonng 18 this year, but haven: D

(Haven drink them till now): D

Wow, seem like yesterday was a long day for me~
The story wasn't finish yet: D

Trained back to Marsiling station, was nearly over stop.
I fell asleep soon after I board up the train: D
Went to Woodlands center and look for Rov, Ray, Byran and Alvin.
There was at the lan shop, playing "L4D 2"?
Well, seem like exciting, wanna try play with them next time!

Yonglong and Eric was inside the billiard room.
Went up to find them, I didn't play, Yonglong don want!
"Xi Guan Jiu Hao" : D

Went down to the lan shop again.
Log on to a computer using brother account and used Face book awhile.
Soon log off.
After they had finished their game, we went up
to the billiard room, played billiard with Alvin, pool with Bryan and Alvin, and watched the rest of them playing "Lucky".
We went off at around 10pm I think?
Said bye to them~

After buying some Curry Puff from the coffee shop at center, Fish soup as supper from 136 coffee shop, went Home, ate them, bathed and SLEEP: D
I was suffered from insomnia since the day before, so didn't really get to sleep till yesterday night: D
Shi SHUANG de lo-,- !

Woke up just now and went to buy something to cook for dinner.
Today will not have pictures of the food that I cooked.
Instead, a pot of(forget what is the name) that I brought for my father: D

Some conversation between me and the sale staff:

Me: Ohh. May I know it can "live" for how long?
Ss: Ohh. If you can take care of it well then it might able to last for 1-2years!
SS: Seriously, It see your luck also: D If your luck is good, it will last and continue to grow and become more beautiful~ : D

Lols! hahas: D If I will be the one to take care it, I think it will be rarely to keep itself "alive"! : D
However, I hope that my Dad will like it, consider the very first gift that I ever buy for him: DD

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed yourself today, and enjoyed reading my post!
Nights guys! : D

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